[Soap-Python] Interoperability problem between soaplib and MS .Net 3.5 SOAP

Sury Soni ssoni at nextdigital.com
Thu Aug 5 09:43:19 CEST 2010

> > Hi All,
> >
> > I have recently joined the list to get answer to the question
> 'Interoperability problem between soaplib and MS .Net 3.5 SOAP'.
> >
> > Any recent updates?
> >
> hi sury,
> there's been a lot of work on soaplib in the past weeks and many issues were
> fixed. but i did not test soaplib against a .net client, nor got much feedback
> about it.
> there's a server specifically for interoperability tests between soaplib and
> other frameworks, which you can find here:
> http://github.com/arskom/soaplib/blob/master/src/soaplib/test/interop/se
> rver/
> can you please provide sample xml, or better, a .net script that produces that
> xml, that doesn't work?
> best regards,
> burak

Hi Burak,

Thanks for the update.

I usually test my python web service using WebService Studio (http://webservicestudio.codeplex.com/)

I run static.py and basic.py, one at a time.

For static.py wsdl url was http://localhost/app?wsdl
And for basic.py wsdl url was http://localhost/?wsdl

Above information was not readily available in docs, so it would be useful, if we put it somewhere.

When I used WebService Studio to load the either wsdl url and generate proxy objects, it failed.

So, you can use this tool to make wsdl inter-operable as well.

I have also posted my question on stackoverflow with details on SOAPpy problem.


A small update for static.py.

I am using twisted '8.2.0' which is little bit old, but could be useful.

Replace: Line 46
    resource = WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), application)
    resource = WSGIResource(reactor, reactor, application)



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