[Soap-Python] multiple services with soaplib-0.9.1-alpha1

Burak Arslan burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr
Tue Aug 3 11:27:37 CEST 2010


i just made a new release that lets you give an iterable of service
definitions (not instances) to wsgi.Application. this helps complex
applications that want to provide web services under the same
targetNamespace but want them defined under different classes.

to do this, i had to rearrange some of the hooks.

here are the hooks for the wsgi server:

and the hooks for the service definition:

i think this was the last api change to the 0.9 series.

i plan to make a beta 0.8.2 and 0.9.1 releases around end of august or
beginning of september, if nobody reports any issues.

soaplib project needs your help for documentation. the working example
servers are located here:

best regards,

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