[Soap-Python] soaplib applied patches

Jamie Kirkpatrick jkp at kirkconsulting.co.uk
Wed Apr 21 03:49:24 CEST 2010

Also, in terms of issue tracking there are many options we could choose.
 I'm currently using www.pivotaltracker.com for some of my projects but I
appreciate that as a general issue tracker it might not be the best fit.

I would suggest we use the issue tracker on the main fork (jkp) for now and
put clear links on the wiki at the top-level page that has been created.
 I'm open to suggestions though.

Jamie Kirkpatrick
07818 422311
On 21 April 2010 09:46, Jamie Kirkpatrick <jkp at kirkconsulting.co.uk> wrote:

> Don't misread what that article says: its not that you can't add other
> colloborators with push access, you can.  It's that only the project owner
> can add and remove them.
> To me this isn't a big deal, its pretty much how things were with SVN
> anyway: previously Aaron added and removed collaborators and now it's down
> to me.  I already sent emails out to a couple of folks asking if they wanted
> access.  Both Brad and Burak can have it if they email me and ask, I'll add
> them to the project as collaborators then they can push to the main repo.
> As far as github.com/soaplib goes, how can we get my repository to be the
> canonical repository instead of the one that currently is?
> Thanks
> --
> Jamie Kirkpatrick
> 07818 422311
> On 20 April 2010 22:01, Brad Allen <bradallen137 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:41 AM, Burak Arslan
>> <burak.arslan at arskom.com.tr> wrote:
>> > [1]:
>> >
>> http://support.github.com/discussions/accounts/73-giving-multiple-users-admin-access-to-a-project
>> Yikes, hopefully github will add that feature soon, otherwise it will
>> be limited to small, one person projects.
>> We should consider alternatives:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open_source_software_hosting_facilities
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