[Soap-Python] soaplib mailing list

Jamie Kirkpatrick jkp at kirkconsulting.co.uk
Mon Apr 19 03:09:30 CEST 2010

Hi all

Sorry not to have responded for a while, I've been out of action on a
project in the far east with very little time.   In summary all these
suggestions are valid and we need some co-ordinated action, including the

- Creating a proper site for soaplib with some sphinx backed documentation:
it should point to the new list for discussion.
- Pulling in changesets people feel are useful from the many forks on
- Nominating new committers for the github project so it can be more
actively maintained.
- Making a new release...

I have a couple of people in mind for point number three, which I think will
help with the others.  If anyone wants commit access please mail me directly
and we'll have a chat about it.

Jamie Kirkpatrick
07818 422311
On 17 April 2010 02:10, Brad Allen <bradallen137 at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:50 AM, John Aherne <jjaherne at googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> > I am using this mailing list by default for soaplib, mainly because I was
> > pointed here by jkp.
> > But the github wiki still points to the old mailing list
> > So I'm wondering is it right to carry on using this list as the default
> for
> > soaplib.
> > John Aherne
> Yes, the old mailing list was overrun by spam, and was pretty low
> traffic for actual soaplib discussion, so we moved to this new mailing
> list with the intent of including discussion not only for soaplib but
> any Python SOAP related technologies.
> There are a lot of GitHub wikis with all the forks...it would be nice
> to have a central site, maybe running Sphinx, which could point people
> to the appropriate GitHub fork, issue tracker, mailing list, etc., as
> well as consolidate all documentation.
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