[Shtoom] [patch] doug DTMF problems when connected to asterisk

Frank Scholz fs at beebits.com
Sun Sep 18 18:42:27 CEST 2005


> I'm trying to build some doug app connected to asterisk and
> I'm fighting with a few obstacles.[...]

> With asterisk dtmfmode rfc2833
>  - I get an exeption: can't decode format <PTMarker
telephone-event(dynamic)/8000/None at -4859fc74>

After some modifications it seems to move in the desired direction.

In shtoom/app/doug.py - incomingRTP I changed

-    if packet.header.pt is PT_NTE:
+    if packet.header.ct is PT_NTE:

and I added to shtoom/doug/voiceapp.py quite
some things from shtoom/doug/leg.py regarding
the DTMF processing.

Now the ConferencingApp's announceFile aborts if
a DTMF event occurs.

My changes are more based on guesses than on knowledge ;-)
especially I'm uncertain if they follow Anthonys intentions,
therefore any advice would be appreciated!

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