[SciPy-User] request for a volunteer with devops/sysadmin skills, SciPy conda-forge

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 15:54:37 EDT 2019

Hi all,

We have never had a working Windows build on conda-forge for SciPy. This is
a bit painful, since it means that pretty much all SciPy/PyData users on
Windows can't go "all conda-forge", and mixing the defaults and conda-forge
channels is fairly fragile.

The solution is now a lot closer, since rather than a Fortran compiler
project it's now a devops project: Intel provided permission and a license
to use the Intel Fortran compiler, which is the best way to build SciPy on
Windows. So "all" that's needed is set that up on a VM somewhere and
connect it to conda-forge.

This is still nontrivial, it requires some good devops skills. Marius van
Niekerk, one of the conda-forge core team members, provided details on
status and next steps at
https://github.com/conda-forge/scipy-feedstock/issues/80. He could really
use a hand.

If there's anyone here with the interest and skills to help out here, this
would be a really high-impact contribution!

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