[SciPy-User] PyCM 2.2 released : A general benchmark based comparison of classification models

Sepand Haghighi sepand.haghighi at yahoo.com
Fri May 31 04:19:51 EDT 2019

Hi folks

Recently we have released new version of PyCM, library for confusion matrix statistical analysis. I thought you might find it interesting.



Changelog :

Negative likelihood ratio interpretation (NLRI) added

Cramer's benchmark (SOA5) added

Matthews correlation coefficient interpretation (MCCI) added #204

Matthews's benchmark (SOA6) added #204

F1 macro added

F1 micro added

Accuracy macro added #205

Compare class score calculation modified

Parameters recommendation for multi-class dataset modified

Parameters recommendation for imbalance dataset modified

README.md modified

Document modified

   - Logo updated

Best RegardsSepand Haghighi
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