[SciPy-User] Q: on scipy probplot user defined distribution function

Sergio Rojas sergio_r at mail.com
Wed Jul 4 15:16:50 EDT 2018

> Here's an example of using different distributions with the mpl-probscale
> package:
> https://matplotlib.org/mpl-probscale/tutorial/closer_look_at_viz.html#using-different-distributions-for-your-scales[https://matplotlib.org/mpl-probscale/tutorial/closer_look_at_viz.html#using-different-distributions-for-your-scales]

> -Paul

Thanks, Paul. I guess I might need to build a <dist>.pdf, .cdf, and .ppf
files for my distribution. What is not clear is how to specify the alternative 
directory to make them available to scipy

On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 11:40 AM Sergio Rojas <sergio_r at mail.com> wrote:

> Hello folks,
> How can one specify our own (user made) probability distribution
> function to scipy.stats.probplot ?
> Can it be done is the pdf used is not in a closed form function
> (meaning that the random drawings comes from a numerical
> procedure)?
> Salut,
> Sergio
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