[SciPy-User] Can fftconvolve use a faster fft?

Alexander Eberspächer alex.eberspaecher at gmail.com
Fri Jan 12 14:07:08 EST 2018

On 11.01.2018 22:04, Gregory Lee wrote:

> Also, note that the pyFFTW scipy interfaces default to "threads=1", so
> the monkeypatching as listed in the pyFFTW docs may not give a big speed
> improvement for all transform sizes.  It is likely you will get further
> speedup if you monkey patch specific functions using functools.partial
> to change the default threads to a more appropriate value for your system. 

Some time ago I've written a small tool [1] which takes care of creating
wrappers around the pyfftw routines (a "wrapper around a wrapper"). The
wrappers are created on module import and inject a number of threads
read from an environment variable.

Maybe you'll find it useful. Please note there's no distutils or
setuptools setup yet, instead a waf-based build described in the readme
is used.



[1]: https://github.com/aeberspaecher/transparent_pyfftw

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