[SciPy-User] EuroSciPy 2017

Robert Pollak robert.pollak at jku.at
Wed May 10 03:14:42 EDT 2017

Dear EuroSciPy organizers,

as it's May already and I don't see anything announced, I would like to
ask again about (the date of) this year's conference.

Best regards,

On 2017-02-08 19:02, Pierre de Buyl wrote to scipy-user:
> Dear Robert,
> The official contact information for EuroSciPy is euroscipy-org at python.org or
> https://twitter.com/EuroSciPy
> The dates are not set yet as we are trying to arrange for the venue (the
> previous venue could not be taken at our typical dates).
> The official announcement will be posted on our Twitter account and also on the
> NumPy and SciPy lists.
> Best regards,
> Pierre
> On Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 04:28:01PM +0100, Robert Pollak wrote to scipy-user:
>> Dear EuroSciPy team,
>> I have noticed that EuroSciPy 2017 in Erlangen is announced as
>> "upcoming" on https://conference.scipy.org/ . Is there already a date fixed?
>> Best regards,
>> Robert

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