[SciPy-User] Hello and first basic question

Juan Nunez-Iglesias jni.soma at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 04:04:56 EST 2017

Hey Nenad,

I'm not sure about BDs or email volume, but I follow this list and have found it informative. I don't generally monitor SO but obviously Google often directs me there. In short, I'd recommend subscribing to this list. The low volume might be an advantage — and perhaps can be interpreted as high signal-to-noise. (Present thread excepted. =P)


On 22 Feb 2017, 6:47 PM +1100, Propadovic Nenad <npropadovic at gmail.com>, wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> I'd like to be sure: is this list the right place to ask detailed questions about SciPy- (and maybe Numpy-) usage?
> When I was trying to find answers to my questions some two weeks ago I was rather confused with the original list basically ending around November last year ... Yeah, yesterday I digged in again, and saw the post announcing the switch to this location and now I'm here... But still, all posts of some depth related to the questions I have seem to be at stackoverflow... And I even saw a post somewhere recommending to use stackoverflow for SciPy-related questions. So may I ask what's the intention? Is stackoverflow actually the better place?
> And related to that, is there a BD (as in BDFL) here? Or some group of BD-s?
> I find it amazing that while math-applications of Python are all the rage nowdays, this group, which would naturally be the center of it all, is very quiet.
> Anyway, for my next (technical) question, I'll stick around here for the moment.
> Thanx in advance,
> Nenad
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