[SciPy-User] Installing NumPy/SciPy on Windows without the use of Pip

Whalen, Joel C joel.c.whalen at intel.com
Wed Sep 7 17:44:59 EDT 2016

These are some really great tips! Helps me a lot with just learning python in general. 

I don't have internet on this desktop pc due to an internal issue, but I ended up getting numpy installed with an internal tool! It's a cop-out, I know. But I never understood python wheels until you emailed me this, so I appreciate it a lot. 

I also didn't know about that -c argument. That's awesome and quick. 

Thank you for everything,

- Joel

-----Original Message-----
From: SciPy-User [mailto:scipy-user-bounces at scipy.org] On Behalf Of Matthew Brett
Sent: Wednesday, September 7, 2016 2:38 PM
To: SciPy Users List <scipy-user at scipy.org>
Subject: Re: [SciPy-User] Installing NumPy/SciPy on Windows without the use of Pip


On Wed, Sep 7, 2016 at 1:57 PM, Whalen, Joel C <joel.c.whalen at intel.com> wrote:
> Thank you so much! Unfortunately, pip is telling me that the .whl is not a supported wheel on this platform. I'm on 64 bit, and this is true even after I use the amd64.whl. Same error.
> Also deleting that directory in my site-packages folder was a huge pain because Windows didn't even let Administrator approval remove it. I had to rd /s /q to get rid of it.
> All in all, windows really doesn't want me to install numpy apparently.

You're nearly there!   First - upgrade pip to the latest version:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

Then try installing the `*amd64.whl` - if your *Python* is 64-bit.
Remember that your Python may be 32-bit even though your Windows is 64 bit.  Test which, with:

python -c "import platform; print(platform.architecture())"


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