[SciPy-User] New book: Python Programming and Visualization for Scientists

Grant W. Petty grantwp3 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 20:24:28 EDT 2016

A new book has just been published that may be of interest to some members
of this list, especially those relatively new to Python:  *Python
Programming and Visualization for Scientists*, by Alex DeCaria. Alex has
been a regular instructor of short courses in Python at meetings of the
American Meteorological Society.

This book is designed to be a concise, well-organized tutorial and
reference that encompasses both the Python language itself and the most
commonly used elements of selected modules, including matplotlib, numpy,
time, and others.

Additional information can be found on the attached flyer and at the book's
Note that the website currently offers only the spiral-bound version for
sale; a conventional 7x10 softcover version will soon be available through
other outlets.

Sundog Publishing is a very small independent publisher that relies
entirely on reviews and word-of-mouth as its primary marketing tools.  If
you get a copy of Alex's book and think it is useful, either for yourself
or for new users of Python, I hope you will help spread the word, including
perhaps forwarding the attached flyer and/or above link.

Grant Petty
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