[SciPy-User] Is the second half of np.fft.fft the negative frequencies?

Matti Viljamaa mviljamaa at kapsi.fi
Wed Aug 31 03:11:33 EDT 2016

I’m having the following problem

http://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/33982/problem-with-windowing-method-result-seems-shifted <http://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/33982/problem-with-windowing-method-result-seems-shifted>

My question is:


http://i.stack.imgur.com/fYFvx.png <http://i.stack.imgur.com/fYFvx.png>

are samples [0, 512] the positive frequencies and [513, 1024] the negative frequencies (in two-sided FFT).
I.e. that to be correct the plot should actually look like [513, 1024] is [-512, 0] and [0,512] is [0,512], but is this the np.fft.fft way to return the negative frequencies (i.e in the latter half of the fft result)?
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