[SciPy-User] fromstring and int64

Carlos Medrano ctmedra at unizar.es
Wed Oct 21 12:23:38 EDT 2015


  I am having an issue with function fromstring and long integers 
(int64). It seems it cannot read properly long numbers. I use scipy 
version 0.14.0 and numpy 1.8.2. I have the problem also if I use numpy 

import scipy
s='0 1445367600061 -35960 39671 79230'
scipy.fromstring(s, sep=' ', dtype=scipy.int64)

I get this

array([ 0, 2147483647, -35960, 39671, 79230], dtype=int64)

which is wrong in the second element

However if I write to a file the string s and use loadtxt, I get the 
right values:


scipy.loadtxt('dumf.txt', dtype=scipy.int64)

I get:
array([0, 1445367600061,  -35960, 39671, 79230], dtype=int64)

I think this can be a bug a I would like to check on the mailing list 
first and see if other people have the same behaviour.


Carlos Medrano

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