[SciPy-User] ANN: New edition of the IPython minibook

Cyrille Rossant cyrille.rossant at gmail.com
Sun Nov 22 14:26:07 EST 2015

Hi all,

The second edition of the book *Learning IPython for Interactive
Computing and Data Visualization* has been released (Packt

The book now targets Python 3, IPython 4, and the Jupyter Notebook.
There is a new introduction to the Python programming language for
complete beginners, as well as new code examples covering pandas and
NumPy for data analysis and numerical computing. There are also
contents for more advanced users, like parallel computing with IPython
and high-performance computing with Numba and Cython.

All code examples are available on GitHub as Jupyter notebooks.

You'll find more information here:

* IPython Books website: <http://ipython-books.github.io/>
* Book page on Packt's website:
* GitHub repo: <https://github.com/ipython-books/minibook-2nd-code>


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