[SciPy-User] Should one NOT start with Cython first?

Uwe Fechner u.fechner at tudelft.nl
Tue Mar 17 09:56:05 EDT 2015

Well, even though I like Numba, installing it is a nightmare.

I wrote a lot of code for Numba 0.11, which is not compatible to newer
versions: In newer version object oriented code (jit compiled classes)
are not longer supported.

pip install numba does not work easily, not even for the current version
of numba: You need to have a specific version of llvm and llvmlite installed
first, which is not easily available for Ubuntu 12.04, which I am using.

We had to write our own installer just to be able to continue to install
Numba 0.11, which is needed for our current code base (see:
https://bitbucket.org/ufechner/freekitesim ).

Am 17.03.2015 um 14:28 schrieb Sturla Molden:
> On 15/03/15 18:11, George Nurser wrote:
>> To build it yourself may be a pain, but, it is very easy to install it with
>> conda install numba
> Most scientists will use Anaconda or Enthought Canopy. With Anaconda we
> do as you said (conda install numba), with Canopy we just click on it in
> the graphical package manager.
> The rest can install Numba from PyPI:
> $ pip install numba
> It is that hard to install...
> Maybe it was a PITA to build at some point in history, but that is all
> in the past.
> Sturla
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Uwe Fechner, M.Sc.
Delft University of Technology
Faculty of Aerospace Engineering/ Wind Energy
Kluyverweg 1,
2629 HS Delft, The Netherlands
Phone: +31-15-27-88902

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