[SciPy-User] wavio -- A python module for reading and writing WAV files

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 14:05:32 EST 2015

A stackoverflow answer about reading 24 bit WAV files has evolved into a
small module called 'wavio' that is now on PyPI:

The functions 'wavio.read()' and 'wavio.write()' allow numpy arrays to be
read from and written to integer WAV files (including 24 bit files, which
scipy doesn't yet support).  The functions use the Python 'wave' library,
so they have the same limitations as that module.  In particular, these
functions to not support floating point WAV data (which scipy *does*
support).  'wavio.write()' converts a floating point array to integers
before writing it to the file.

Feedback is welcome, either by email or by reporting issues on the github
page: https://github.com/WarrenWeckesser/wavio

Now go make some noise.

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