[SciPy-User] Characteristic pulse-shape fitting scikit

John David Lee johnl at crumpington.com
Mon Nov 17 23:46:55 EST 2014


I've been working on packaging some pulse-fitting code I wrote a few 
years ago into a scikit. Yesterday I finally completed what I'd consider 
an alpha version of the code. It's available here:


There's documentation and an example of usage on the github site.

As a quick overview, the code is designed to identify pulses having a 
characteristic shape and varying amplitude within an array. This is the 
type of data that generally comes out of a shaping amplifier. I used a 
variation of this code to analyze x-ray data from pulse-mode x-ray 

I'd be interested to hear any comments, suggestions or criticisms before 
I finalize the interface and move toward version 1. I'd also be 
interested in looking at examples of measured pulse shapes anyone has.

If you'd like to use the code, please get in touch. I'd be glad to help out.


J. David Lee

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