[SciPy-User] Where can I see the list of built-in wavelet functions that I can pass to scipy.signal.cwt?

Franck Dernoncourt franck.dernoncourt at gmail.com
Mon May 19 23:22:39 EDT 2014


scipy.signal.cwt's documentation says (

scipy.signal.cwt(data, wavelet, widths):

wavelet : function Wavelet function, which should take 2 arguments. The
> first argument is the number of points that the returned vector will have
> (len(wavelet(width,length)) == length). The second is a width parameter,
> defining the size of the wavelet (e.g. standard deviation of a gaussian).
> See ricker, which satisfies these requirements.wavelet : function Wavelet
> function, *which should take 2 arguments*.

Beyond scipy.signal.ricket, what are the other built-in wavelet functions
that I can pass to scipy.signal.cwt?

I see in scipy / scipy / signal / wavelets.py (

 __all__ = ['daub', 'qmf', 'cascade', 'morlet', 'ricker', 'cwt']

but looking at the arguments of each of those wavelet functions, only
ricket seems to work with scipy.signal.cwt(data, wavelet, widths) (as only
ricker takes precisely 2 arguments).


Franck Dernoncourt
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