[SciPy-User] Beltrami flow (Laplace-Beltrami operator)

klo uo klonuo at gmail.com
Sun Jan 26 20:22:33 EST 2014


thanks for your help. I cloned your project, build the package and
browsed thru it, but I'm not sure if I can handle it.

I'm following pattern recognition method, where Beltrami flow is
suggested as a step in image preprocessing. I read a bit about it, but
it seemed too advanced for me to make that concept in Python code
right now, so I searched around for implementation expecting a
straightforward function in a manner of Gaussian filter or similar.
It looks like your project works on mesh surface object, and the
interface plays nice with PLY 3D format. So I'll need to somehow
translate my image into mesh surface? Or maybe your project is meant
for different type of problem?


On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 12:40 AM, Colin Macdonald
<macdonald at maths.ox.ac.uk> wrote:
> On 26/01/14 23:02, klo uo wrote:
>> I'm looking for Python implementation of Beltrami flow (for image
>> denoising and smoothing), but couldn't find one.
>> Does someone maybe knows if this algorithm is implemented in some
>> project or has a pointers which could probably help me?
> Hi,
> I've done some work with Tom März on image processing on surfaces
> (where the image is defined on a curved surface).
> We use the closest point method (finite differences with embedded
> surface representation).  My implementation is here:
> github.com/cbm755/cp_matrices
> (although Python implementation lags Octave/Matlab one in some ways,
> and whole thing is "beta" at best).  Happy to follow-up off-list if
> this is relevant.
> best,
> Colin
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