[SciPy-User] PyViennaCL

Toby St Clere Smithe mail at tsmithe.net
Thu Feb 20 09:55:41 EST 2014

Lars Buitinck <L.J.Buitinck at uva.nl> writes:
> Now here's a package I've been waiting for, but the attachment with
> link is missing in the ML digest. Is it
> https://github.com/tsmithe/viennacl-dev/tree/pyviennacl?

Ah. Please see [0] for the announcement.

You can find the main page at [1], documentation and examples at [2],
and download information at [3].

[0] http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mathematics.viennacl.devel/473
[1] http://viennacl.sourceforge.net/pyviennacl.html
[2] http://viennacl.sourceforge.net/pyviennacl/doc/
[3] http://viennacl.sourceforge.net/viennacl-download.html

Enjoy! If you have any feedback or requests, then do stay in touch :)


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