[SciPy-User] integrate.ode sets t0 values outside of my data range

Camille camillechambon at yahoo.fr
Thu Aug 7 04:32:56 EDT 2014

Oleksandr Huziy <guziy.sasha <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Salut Camille:
> Just don't ask for the solution in the last point, since in order to
> calculate a value of the solution at that point it has to go a bit
> beyond (y should be defined from both sides of ti for the derivative
> to exist in ti (this is a necessary condition)), but interpolation
> does not really define values beyond the right limit.
> Here I've modified your example:
> Cheers

Hello Oleksandr,

Thanks for your answer. 

But I do need the solution in the last point. 

Furthermore, in your modifications you redefine data(t) as: [1, 2, 3,
4]=data([0.,1.33333333,2.66666667,4.], which is not the same as: [1, 2, 3,
4]=data([0.,1.,2.,3.]. I need data(t) to remain as: [1, 2, 3,



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