[SciPy-User] Connect Input File Pysces

Syry sole155 at tiscali.it
Tue Apr 1 12:46:21 EDT 2014

Syry <sole155 <at> tiscali.it> writes:

Hi, I'm sorry if I'm not clear!
I utilise pysces to simulate the hepatocyte cell metabolism. I have 
implemented glycolysis pathway with an input file. Then, I have made the 
parsing of this input file on Python. Now the results of this simulation 
(Pyruvate, ATP) are the input of the second metabolism pathway (Kreb's 
cycle). I don't know if I have to put the later pathway  into my input file 
(and doing an enormous input file with many rate equation) or I have to 
create another input file but in this case I have to get Pyruvato and ATP 
from the simulation and pass them to the second input file
I hope it is more clear now!



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