[SciPy-User] Repeated Measure ANOVA

Horea Christian horea.christ at gmail.com
Wed Nov 6 08:44:26 EST 2013

Hi guys, I would like to compare reaction times for a series of 
experimental conditions. My data comes from ~100 trial repetitions over 10 
participants (yielding ~1000 trials). I was told that just doing an ANOVA 
on this dataset would be improper, because the 1000 measurements are not 
truly independent - and that the proper way to do this is called a repeated 
measure ANOVA.

I have tried to look for a scipy function for this and found nothing. In this 
relevant discussion<http://scipy-user.10969.n7.nabble.com/stats-repeated-measures-ANOVA-td15997.html>a participant pointed the following out:

"Repeated measures" ANOVA is just a misnomer for using the "randomized   
> block design" as a substitute for not knowing MANOVA or Hotelling's T- 
> square test, and as such leads to conclusions that are very hard to   
> interpret. The real value of repeated measures ANOVA in medical   
> litterature is often to inform the reader that the authors don't   
> understand the statistics they use ;-) 

I would like to know whether I'm looking for the right thing at all, and if 
yes how I could accomplish this with scipy 
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