[SciPy-User] Announcing yt 2.6

Jerry lanceboyle at qwest.net
Mon Nov 25 22:17:33 EST 2013

My usual grumpy reply for this kind of announcement:

I am really glad and thankful that people have written the fine software yt. But could you please tell us in your announcement what yt does? Your announcement fails in this regard.


On Nov 23, 2013, at 1:53 PM, John ZuHone <jzuhone at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm forwarding this release announcement on behalf of our release manager, Kacper Kowalik.  Please forward to other interested parties.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Kacper Kowalik<xarthisius.kk at gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 12:19 AM
> Subject: [yt-dev] Announcing: yt 2.6
> To: Discussion of the yt analysis package <yt-users at lists.spacepope.org>, "yt-dev at lists.spacepope.org" <yt-dev at lists.spacepope.org>
> Hi all,
> We are pleased to announce the release of yt 2.6.  This is a major
> release that includes new features and major updates along with all the
> bugs identified and fixed since the release of 2.5.5 on August 28.  We
> currently plan for this to be the final major release of the yt 2.X
> release series, although bug fix releases will continue for the
> foreseeable future.
> Please forward this email to other interested parties.
> Most notable changes include:
>  * Relicensing whole project to BSD 3-clause
>  * Automated absorption line fitting module developed by Hilary Egan
>  * Significant improvement in documentation in a joint effort of the dev
> team led by Cameron Hummels
>  * Documentation now includes inlined IPython notebooks, thanks to
> Nathan Goldbaum
>  * RAMSES, ART, Tiger, Maestro and Castro frontends removal as their
> counterparts in 3.0 branch exceeded them both performance and capability
> wise.  All users of the aforementioned codes are strongly advised to
> migrate to yt-3.0
>  * Python stack update, which now features: ipython-1.1.0, hg-2.8,
> python-2.7.6 numpy-1.7.1
>  * New ProfilePlot and PhasePlot classes thanks to Britton Smith, Nathan
> Goldbaum and Matt Turk. Previous mechanisms (i.e. profiles using
> PlotCollection) are deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
>  * Projections of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect using SZpack implemented
> by John ZuHone
>  * Generating Mock X-ray Photons now possible thanks to John ZuHone
>  * Introduction of Transfer Function Helper by Sam Skillman
>  * Initial support for installing yt with the package management system
> Conda.
>  * The addition of a frontend for the Pluto code by Andrew Myers
>  * The addition of an OBJ exporter to enable transparent and
> multi-surface exports of surfaces to Blender and Sketchfab by Jiill Naiman
>  * yt can now export to RADMC3D thanks to Andrew Myers
>  * Considerably (10x+) faster kD-tree building for volume rendering
> thanks to Sam Skillman
>  * Full integration and demonstration of all available colormaps
> included in documentation thanks to Cameron Hummels
> There have also been a number of minor bugs fixed in this release.  Some
> highlights:
>  * Center of the plot in off_axis_projection plots is now calculated
> correctly, thanks to William Gray
>  * Several enhancements to PlotWindow made by Nathan Goldbaum:
>    - Save accepts paths to directories
>    - Better handling of highly rectangular domains
>    - Axes and colorbars are now toggleable
>    - Nicer output in ipython notebook
>    - eps_writer is now compatible with PlotWindow, thanks to John Wise
>  * yt command line enhancements thanks to Devin Silvia and Matt Turk
>  * Several enhancements to Athena frontend by John ZuHone
>  * Improvements for OSX support (up to Mavericks)
>  * Updates to halo finding routines by Britton Smith
> We’d also like to recognize the new contributors to the yt 2.x source
> code and documentation during the yt 2.5 development cycle:
>  * Hilary Egan
>  * John Forbes
>  * William Gray
>  * Stuart Mumford
>  * Jill Naiman
>  * Doug Rudd
>  * Noel Scudder
>  * Elizabeth Tasker
> If you are using the stable branch of yt from an installation script,
> you can upgrade using "yt update" or "yt update --all" to upgrade your
> full dependency stack.  If you are using the development branch, you
> may already have these fixes.  A tarball of this release has been
> uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI).
> Documentation for this release is available at:
> http://yt-project.org/docs/2.6/
> Previous announcements from the 2.5 release cycle can be found at:
> 2.5.5:
> http://lists.spacepope.org/pipermail/yt-users-spacepope.org/2013-August/003929.html
> 2.5.4:
> http://lists.spacepope.org/pipermail/yt-users-spacepope.org/2013-July/003716.html
> 2.5.3:
> http://lists.spacepope.org/pipermail/yt-users-spacepope.org/2013-June/003669.html
> 2.5.2:
> http://lists.spacepope.org/pipermail/yt-users-spacepope.org/2013-May/003595.html
> 2.5.1:
> http://lists.spacepope.org/pipermail/yt-dev-spacepope.org/2013-March/002988.html
> Thank you very much,
> Kacper, on behalf of the yt development team
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