[SciPy-User] ttest_rel with unequal groups

Horea Christian h.chr at mail.ru
Thu Nov 7 00:18:17 EST 2013

Hey there! I would like to use the ttest_rel function to compare 
reaction times for two conditions tested over 10 participants. We have 
done 100 trials per participant, but some of them had errors and were 
excluded. For instance for prticipants 1 and 2 I have condition1: 95 
trials, condition2: 100 trials AND condition1:100 trials and condition2: 
99 trials.

depending on whether or not I transpose my dataframe I get a complaint 
either at

     if a.shape[axis] != b.shape[axis]:
         raise ValueError('unequal length arrays')

or at

     d = (a - b).astype(np.float64)


What can I do about this? I found it surprising that it doesn't "just 
work" since in most experiments it is expected for some of the 
measurements to fail.

Many Thanks!

Horea Christian

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