[SciPy-User] Installing Polymode

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 14:46:33 EST 2013

On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 5:33 PM, Manders, Mark <m.manders at cranfield.ac.uk>wrote:

>  I was trying to install polymode into my Python 2.7 (32bit), for some
> reason the following errors come up. It can’t seem to find the numpy
> ‘lapack’ libraries even though I have numpy & scipy installed. I also have
> boost_python installed but it can’t find anything from that either.****

Did you install numpy/scipy from source or with a binary install? If the
latter, you probably don't have a separate BLAS/LAPACK on your system.
Either way, you need a setup.cfg to point setup.py to whereever your
BLAS/LAPACK is on your system.

Note that Polymode is provided as Python(x,y) plugin as well. So if you use
Python(x,y) that would be the way to go.

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