[SciPy-User] ANN: scikit-rf 0.13

alex arsenovic arsenovic at virginia.edu
Wed Jan 30 08:29:12 EST 2013


I would like to announce the release of scikit-rf-0.13!

scikit-rf (aka skrf) is an Object Oriented approach to RF/Microwave
engineering implemented in the Python programming language. More
information and documentation can be found  on the website.

website  : www.scikit-rf.org
documentation : http://scikit-rf.org/documentation.html

Changes in 0.13

* read/write support for most skrf objects (through pickle module)
* matlab-like annotated smith chart (from gustavocm)
* stitch() function to combine network of different frequency bands
* more flexible Network constructor (can takes arbitrary properties)
* Frequency supports arbitrary frequency vectors
* automatic  doc-building/uploading via gh-pages.py
* virutalInstruments module rename to `vi`
* io module added to hold various io capabilities
* large improvements in docs, changed to ipython directive
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