[SciPy-User] [ANN] SciPy2013 Tutorials: Call for Submissions

Jonathan Rocher jrocher at enthought.com
Thu Feb 28 08:31:45 EST 2013

[Apologies for cross-posts]

Dear all,

We are excited to kick off the SciPy2013
conference<http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2013/>with two days of
tutorials. This year we are proud to expand the session to
include *THREE parallel tracks*:  introductory, intermediate and advanced.
Teachers will receive a stipend for their service.  We are accepting
tutorial proposals from individuals or teams until *April 1st*. Click here
for more details and to submit

Looking forward to a very exciting conference!

The SciPy 2013 Tutorial Chairs
Francesc Alted, Continuum Analytics Inc.
Dharhas Pothina, Texas Water Development Board

Jonathan Rocher, PhD
Scientific software developer
Co-chair of SciPy2013 Conference
Enthought, Inc.
jrocher at enthought.com
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