[SciPy-User] Plotly Beta: web-based, publication-quality graphing for Python and IPython

Philipp A. flying-sheep at web.de
Sat Dec 21 07:07:43 EST 2013

looks very interesting and useful in combination with ipython notebooks,

2013/12/21 Matt Sundquist <matt at plot.ly>

> Hi SciPy users,
> My name is Matt, and I'm part of Plotly <https://plot.ly>. We're working
> on a scientific graphing library <http://plot.ly/api/python> for Python
> (fork here <https://github.com/plotly/python-api>) that allows you to
> create interactive, web-based graphs in IPython and your browser. Our
> gallery of Notebooks is here<http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/plotly/IPython-plotly/tree/master/>
> .
> We would love to be a useful resource for the SciPy community. As we're
> quite new (just a few months into our beta), we benefit from and very much
> appreciate help and expert feedback. We would love your opinions, advice,
> and thoughts.
> Plotly lets you style interactive, publication-quality graphs. You can
> make Plotly graphs with NumPy, pandas, Datetime, and LaTeX. Plotly has
> bubble charts, box plots, line charts, scatter plots, histograms, 2D
> histograms, and heatmaps. Plotly supports log axes, error bars, date axes,
> multiple axes, and subplots. The gallery, here<http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/plotly/IPython-plotly/tree/master/>,
> has examples.
> You can edit with code or the GUI in Plotly, share a graph online, via a
> download, or as part of a NB. You can also embed with an iframe (Washington
> Post example<http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/06/14/do-low-taxes-on-the-rich-leave-the-middle-class-with-lower-wages/>
> ).
> Data and graphs live together, and can be shared with collaborators (like
> a Google Doc). For an example, here is a graph<https://plot.ly/~IPython.Demo/402/> made
> with Python, styled with this NB<http://nbviewer.ipython.org/github/plotly/IPython-plotly/blob/master/Bubble%20Chart%20Explorer.ipynb>.
> Plotly is set up like GitHub. You control privacy and sharing. It's free
> for public use, you can fork the APIs (and we welcome pull requests), and
> has a premium subscription for heavy private use.
> Thanks a bunch. It would mean a lot to hear your thoughts, advice, and
> feedback.
> All my best,
> Matt
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