[SciPy-User] scipy and python 3.3

Mark Dixon m.c.dixon at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Dec 18 07:44:55 EST 2013


I'm dipping my toe in python3-land and trying to build a few packages on a 
64-bit Intel CentOS 6.5 box, but I have problems getting scipy 0.13.2 to 
pass some of its tests.

Should I be opening tickets about these, or am I being really dumb?

   * python 3.3.2
   * nose 1.3.0
   * numpy 1.8.0 (with PTATLAS=None)
   * atlas 3.10.1 (made into a full LAPACK with netlib LAPACK 3.4.2)
   * gcc 4.4.7 (as shipped with CentOS 6.5)

   (I've built each of these from source, apart from gcc)

When I run scipy's tests, I get 3 failures in (full output with verbose=2 
appended below):


I don't get any failures with the same stack built against python 2.7.6. 
numpy passes its tests with either stack.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated, please!



FAIL: test_basic.test_xlogy
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/nose-1.3.0-py3.3.egg/nose/case.py", line 198, in runTest
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/scipy/special/tests/test_basic.py", line 2736, in test_xlogy
     assert_func_equal(special.xlogy, w2, z2, rtol=1e-13, atol=1e-13)
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/scipy/special/_testutils.py", line 87, in assert_func_equal
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/scipy/special/_testutils.py", line 292, in check
     assert_(False, "\n".join(msg))
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 44, in assert_
     raise AssertionError(msg)
Max |adiff|: 712.557
Max |rdiff|: 1028
Bad results (3 out of 6) for the following points (in output 0):
                             0j                        (nan+0j) =>                        (-0+0j) !=                     (nan+nanj)  (rdiff                            0.0)
                         (1+0j)                          (2+0j) => (-711.8625285635226+1.5707963267948752j) !=        (0.6931471805599453+0j)  (rdiff             1028.0030375952847)
                         (1+0j)                              1j => (-711.8625285635226+1.5707963267948752j) !=            1.5707963267948966j  (rdiff             453.18576089112065)

FAIL: test_lambertw.test_values
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/nose-1.3.0-py3.3.egg/nose/case.py", line 198, in runTest
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/scipy/special/tests/test_lambertw.py", line 21, in test_values
     assert_equal(lambertw(inf,1).real, inf)
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 304, in assert_equal
     raise AssertionError(msg)
Items are not equal:
  ACTUAL: nan
  DESIRED: inf

FAIL: test_lambertw.test_ufunc
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 581, in chk_same_position
     assert_array_equal(x_id, y_id)
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 718, in assert_array_equal
     verbose=verbose, header='Arrays are not equal')
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 644, in assert_array_compare
     raise AssertionError(msg)
Arrays are not equal

(mismatch 66.66666666666666%)
  x: array([False,  True,  True], dtype=bool)
  y: array([False, False, False], dtype=bool)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/nose-1.3.0-py3.3.egg/nose/case.py", line 198, in runTest
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/scipy/special/tests/test_lambertw.py", line 93, in test_ufunc
     lambertw(r_[0., e, 1.]), r_[0., 1., 0.567143290409783873])
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 811, in assert_array_almost_equal
     header=('Arrays are not almost equal to %d decimals' % decimal))
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 607, in assert_array_compare
     chk_same_position(x_isnan, y_isnan, hasval='nan')
   File "/scratch/bob/p3/pylibs/lib/python3.3/site-packages/numpy/testing/utils.py", line 587, in chk_same_position
     raise AssertionError(msg)
Arrays are not almost equal to 6 decimals

x and y nan location mismatch:
  x: array([  0.+0.j,  nan+0.j,  nan+0.j])
  y: array([ 0.   ,  1.   ,  0.567])


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