[SciPy-User] adding linear fitting routine

Daniele Nicolodi daniele at grinta.net
Wed Dec 4 08:04:00 EST 2013

On 04/12/2013 13:43, David J Pine wrote:
> 1. Generalization to arbitrary degree polynomials.  This already exists
> in numpy.polyfit.  One limitation of polyfit is that it does not
> currently allow the user to provide absolute uncertainties in the data,
> but there has been some discussion of adding this capability.

This is a huge limitation IMHO.  Furthermore, polyfit() allows only to
fit polynomials up to an arbitrary order, not polynomials of arbitrary
order (it is not possible to fit y = d * x**3 but only y = a + b * x + c
* x**2 + d * x**3).


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