[SciPy-User] PyFEAST, a feature selection module for python

Calvin Morrison mutantturkey at gmail.com
Sun Apr 7 12:18:53 EDT 2013


I'm happy to announce the release of PyFeast, a feature selection
module for python.

PyFeast is a set of bindings for the FEAST feature selection toolbox
[0], which was originally written in C with a Mex interface to Matlab.

Because Python is also commonly used in computational science, writing
bindings to enable researchers to utilize these feature selection
algorithms in Python was only natural.

At Drexel University's EESI Lab[1], we are using PyFeast to create a
feature selection tool for the Department of Energy's upcoming KBase

PyFeast contains eleven different feature selection algorithms which
are thoroughly documented, and utilizes numpy arrays, so integration
into current projects is very easy.

PyFeast is available here:

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments!

Thank you,
Calvin Morrison

[0] http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~gbrown/fstoolbox/
[1] http://www.ece.drexel.edu/gailr/EESI/
[2] http://kbase.science.energy.gov/developer-zone/api-documentation/fizzy-feature-selection-service/

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