[SciPy-User] EuroSciPy 2013: deadline extension 5 May 2013!

Tiziano Zito opossumnano at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 09:16:51 EDT 2013

The committee of the EuroSciPy 2013 conference has extended the deadline
for abstract submission to **Sunday May 5th 2013, 23:59:50 (UTC)**.

Up to then, new abstracts may be submitted on http://www.euroscipy.org .

We are very much looking forward to your submissions to the

EuroSciPy 2013 is the annual European conference for scientists
using Python. It will be held August 21-25 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.

Any other questions should be addressed exclusively to euroscipy-org at python.org

Tiziano Zito (Program Chair)

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