[SciPy-User] SciPy 0.12 w/ MKL available on PiCloud

John Riley john at picloud.com
Thu Apr 18 21:47:10 EDT 2013


I'm happy to announce that SciPy 0.12 is now available on PiCloud [1].
Previously, SciPy 0.11 was the most up-to-date version available by default.

While any user could always create a custom environment, and install the
latest version themselves [2], we've decided to address the issue directly
by having the latest SciPy available as part of the public environment
"/picloud/science". Using that environment will give you access to 0.12,
and we plan to have it track the latest version of popular scientific
packages including NumPy.

If you're unfamiliar with how to use SciPy on PiCloud, please see our
documentation [3] [4]. Hope this helps!

[1] http://www.picloud.com
[2] http://docs.picloud.com/**environment.html<http://docs.picloud.com/environment.html>
[3] http://docs.picloud.com/howto/pyscientifictools.html
[4] http://docs.picloud.com/howto/primer.html

Best Regards,

John Riley
PiCloud, Inc.
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