[SciPy-User] Naming Ideas

Thomas Kluyver takowl at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 05:54:27 EDT 2012

On 4 September 2012 03:14, The Helmbolds <helmrp at yahoo.com> wrote:
> If there is a need for a name that includes more than just SciPy, then I
> suggest we consider something like the following:
> MatSysPy, pronounced  "mat-sis-pie".

Thanks, I guess you're referring to my recent thread about making a
unified 'brand' for the scipy ecosystem? I agree that picking a good
name is important

To recap, names suggested so far:

Sciome - from the numfocus proposal (potential confusion with sciome.com)
PyScis - pronounced like pisces (potential confusion with PySCeS and
PySci, two unrelated Python projects)

List subscribers, what do you think? Does one of those names feel
right to refer to the scipy/numpy/etc. stack? Would you like to rule
any out? Or can you think of a better name yourself?


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