[SciPy-User] I'm new..numpy/scipy installation problems plz help!

Rob m3atwad at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 23:57:29 EDT 2012

Update in case anyone has this same problem.  I think the issue was not 
having uninstalled everything from my 64 bit python 2.7 I initially 
installed and whatever files were left over were screwing it up.  Long 
story short if you want to use numpy/scipy matplotlib combo it seems to me 
you need to just make sure you use 32 bit python 2.7 and all of your 
modules/libraries are also 32 bit.  If you've installed a previous 64 bit 
version of python make sure it is all gone!  Hope this helps someone.

On Monday, October 29, 2012 6:45:27 PM UTC-5, Rob wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to install matplotlib to do some basic plotting for a wxpython 
> GUI.  From what I've read I need to install scipy and numpy as well.  I've 
> already got python 2.7 32 bit up and running with wxpython and some other 
> stuff so I want to add the plotting capablity to this.  On a clean build I 
> got numpy working by just downloading the prebuilt binaries for python 2.7 
> 32 bit and installed it with the msi installer.  This created a numpy 
> folder in site packages and I was able to import it and start using it 
> without any errors.  I tried to do the same thing for sci py and no luck. 
>  I get an error in aptana studios/eclipse saying it can't find scipy.  I've 
> been trying to figure this out for a while now....   Are there any 
> dependencies I need to install? Am I really required to get a compiler and 
> compile all this for windows 7?  It seems extremely difficult to get all 
> this working and I'm out of stuff to google.  What do I need to do in 
> addition to running the scipy and numpy installers from source forge?  I 
> thought you could basically just extract them to site packages, import the 
> modules and away you go but that hans't been the case for me so far.
> Platform
> Windows 7
> 32 bit python 2.7
> Thanks,
> Rob
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