[SciPy-User] Contributing to SciPy was Re: Least-squares fittings with bounds: why is scipy not up to the task?

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Sun Mar 11 08:39:09 EDT 2012

11.03.2012 12:31, Sebastian Haase kirjoitti:
> How does SciPy central compare to the cookbook ?  It sound's like I
> was kind-of meant to supersede it ... ?

The aim of the Scipy Central is more or less to supersede the Cookbook
and the Topical Software wiki pages with something more friendly.

I believe constructive suggestions on how to improve it would be welcome.

> FWIW, I didn't know (or must have forgotten) about scipy central - and
> a google search also did NOT really help !!! Only the 5th hit was
> "User profile: SciPy Central ---
> scipy-central.org/user/profile/scipy-central/"  after "cookbook" on
> first place,  followed by some mailing list post from Sept-2011 ...
> and so on ...

Today, that link is the first hit, probably thanks to the Google juice
from the scipy.org front page.

I wonder why the leading hit is not the front page, though. Some
additional Google-fu is maybe required. The user pages probably should
have the noindex meta, as they're not so useful to have in search engines.

Pauli Virtanen

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