[SciPy-User] SciPy2012 conference: Last week for early birds, poster submissions

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Tue Jun 12 21:46:57 EDT 2012

Hi everyone

We're rapidly approaching SciPy2012 <http://conference.scipy.org/scipy2012>,
which takes place in Austin, Texas from July 16th to 21st.  This is a
reminder that the *discounted early bird registration* closes on the 18th
of this month.

Also, we decided to keep the queue for *poster submissions* open until all
slots are filled. So, whether you have a neat side project, a lightning
talk gone rogue, or simply want to get the community talking about your
latest and greatest idea--send in a poster abstract to
2012submissions at scipy.org.

See you in Austin!
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