[SciPy-User] missing lapack functions in scipy.linalg.flapack

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Sun Jul 8 13:52:52 EDT 2012

On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 6:36 PM, <michf at post.tau.ac.il> wrote:

> I'm trying to access a few lapack functions that don't seem to be
> available directly in scipy as far as I can tell.

They are. trsyl was added recently (for 0.11), geev should be in older
versions too.

In [6]: linalg.flapack.dtrsyl
Out[6]: <fortran object>

In [7]: linalg.flapack.dgeev
Out[7]: <fortran object>

In [8]: linalg.solve_sylvester
Out[8]: <function scipy.linalg._solvers.solve_sylvester>


> Specifically I need
> at the moment ?trsyl (solve triagonal sylvester equation) and the
> various subfunctions for computing eigenvectors (the whole stack used
> behind ?geev)
> I'm currently using the 64bit windows distribution from enthought
> (academic version).
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
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