[SciPy-User] Assimulo

Christian Andersson chria at maths.lth.se
Mon Jan 30 06:39:15 EST 2012

Hello All,


I would like to make you aware of that we have released a new version of

Assimulo, which is a Python package for solving both ordinary differential 

equations and differential algebraic equations. Current interfaces include

access to the Sundials solvers CVode and IDA with both sensitivity 

capabilities and event handling. Additionally, access to Radau5, 

Dopri5 and Rodas [by Hairer] are available, where Radau5 can also be used to

differential algebraic equations. There are also plans to implement event

handling for solvers that are missing the feature and include interfaces 

for more solvers.


Assimulo is used as a teaching tool at Lund University and included as

the default simulation environment in the platform JModelica.org where it

been used to solve industrial related problems with hundreds of states.

it can be used together with PyFMI, http://www.pyfmi.org, to simulate 

"Functional Mock-up Units".


Assimulo can be found for download on http://www.assimulo.org and the 

documentation can be found on http://www.jmodelica.org/assimulo.


Any suggestions and comments are very welcome!




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