[SciPy-User] matrix multiplication

Chris Lirakis clirakis at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 15:03:04 EST 2012

I have tried the following and they all yield the same result.

A = zeros(3,1)
B = A * A.T
B = [[ 0 0 0]
       [0 0 0]
       [0  0 0]]

A = matrix(zeros(3,1)
B = A * A.T
B = [[ 0 0 0]
       [0 0 0]
       [0  0 0]]

I would have thought that the result should have been [[0]]
if I do the following:
A = matrix([[0 0 0]]) Then A * A.T yields [[0]]

Can someone tell me why and how I might fix this?

Chris Lirakis
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