[SciPy-User] From Delaunay edges to spatial points

federico vaggi vaggi.federico at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 04:18:00 EST 2012


I am a relative newbie to tessellation, so I might be asking a very naive
question.  I have an unweighted graph (list of nodes, edge lists) that I
would like to plot on the surface of a sphere.

Given the edge list, is there a way to come up with a x,y,z position of all
the nodes so that they follow a Delaunay tessellation?  Most software I've
seen starts from positions in space and then tries to obtain the edge list
- I'd like to do the inverse, if possible.

I am not 100% sure if this is more appropriate for the scipy mailing list
or the networkx mailing list, so I think I'll post it in both places as
long as that's not frowned upon.

Thank you very much,

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