[SciPy-User] kernel method

Zachary Pincus zachary.pincus at yale.edu
Tue Dec 18 10:14:48 EST 2012

> I'd like to find some method used in R in scipy. In particular 2 method:
> - kernelUD
> -lscv.cruncher

Perhaps you could briefly describe what these functions do? From brief googling, they do not appear to be part of the standard R distribution.

I and likely many others on the list would be happy to help you find replacements for this functionality in scipy (and/or beyond), but not everyone (and especially not me) is expert enough in R (and specifically whatever package the above functions came from) to know what those functions do just based on their names.

Similarly, a bit of description about how you plan to use the functions can be helpful to those suggesting what approaches might be best in scipy, in the case that there is not an exact drop-in replacement. (Indeed, often I find that when I ask a more general question about "what's the best way to solve problem X", rather than just asking about a specific function in scipy, I learn a whole lot from the experts on the list and often come away with a much better understanding of the problem and a better route to solving it...)

Good luck making the R to python transition!


On Dec 18, 2012, at 4:20 AM, francescoboccacci at libero.it wrote:

> HI all,
> i'm new of the scipy's world and i need some help of course.
> I'd like to find some method used in R in scipy. In particular 2 method:
> - kernelUD
> -lscv.cruncher
> anyone can suggest me which are the same methods in scipy?
> Thanks
> Francesco
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