[SciPy-User] scipy central comments

Collin Stocks collinstocks at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 19:57:58 EDT 2011

Also in favour of a comments system.

On 09/05/2011 03:39 AM, Michael Klitgaard wrote:
> Would it be possible to include data files on SciPy-Central?
> In this case the file 'ct.raw'. I believe it would improve the quality
> of the program to include the sample_data.
> This could perhaps make scipy central evem more usefull than other
> code sharing sites.
> Sincerely
> Michael

The problem I see with data files is that they could be potentially
large. There may be a way around the problems associated with this, though.

Maybe I am a bit naive, but I can't think of many common circumstances
where a code fragment or program which is potentially useful to many
people would be more helpful by providing a data file, since most people
who would find said code useful would already have access to their own
data set.

I do, however, see the benefit of having some set of sample data on
SciPy-Central, but perhaps this data set should be generic in that many
different code contributions could reference it in a useful way.

My two cents.

-- Collin

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