[SciPy-User] Problems with numpydoc

Ryan Nelson rnelsonchem at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 02:20:57 EDT 2011

Hello all,

I really like the Numpy/Scipy documentation strings, and I've been using
that style for a small project of mine. However, I'm having problems getting
Sphinx (version 1.0.7) to autodoc my code properly using the numpydoc
package. I've tried installing numpydoc via easy_install and using the code
from the git Numpy repo directly, and they both give me the same problems.
The latex and html builders are giving me similar problems.  I run the
following commands to build the documentations (below). After the
sphinx-build command, I get an error saying that 'Parameters' is an
unexpected section title, even though I thought that was what 'numpydoc' was
supposed to process. After the build, the documentation is not displayed in
the same way as the Numpy documentation. Can anyone give me any advice to
get this working.

Thank you so much.


P.S. I've attached a minimal, but complete, sphinx-quickstart project. The
project is titled 'Test'. I've built both the html (build/static) and latex
(build/latex) documentation. The source code for my test class is located in
the sptest directory.

**** Commands to process and error message ****

sphinx_test $ sphinx-autogen source/*.rst
sphinx_test $ sphinx-build -E -b latex source/ build/latex
Running Sphinx v1.0.7
building [latex]: all documents
updating environment: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
reading sources... [100%]
/home/nelson/docs/sphinx_test/sptest/sptest.py:docstring of sptest.Sptest:8:
(SEVERE/4) Unexpected section title.


looking for now-outdated files... none found
pickling environment... done
checking consistency... done
processing Test.tex... index intro generated/sptest.Sptest
resolving references...
writing... done
copying TeX support files... done
build succeeded, 1 warning.
sphinx_test $ make -C build/latex
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