[SciPy-User] In which numpy modules should MKL be better then ATLAS

Dag Sverre Seljebotn d.s.seljebotn at astro.uio.no
Sat Oct 1 06:23:37 EDT 2011

On 10/01/2011 11:55 AM, Klonuo Umom wrote:
> I had a chance to test this sample on different setups on same PC:
> import numpy as np
> A=np.ones((1000,1000))
> B=np.ones((1000,1000))
> %timeit np.dot(A, B)
> because of OS reinstalling.
> 1x = ATLAS on Linux (reference speed)
> 2x = MKL with GNU compilers on Linux
> 2x = MKL with Intel compilers on Windows 7
> 30x = bare numpy
> I didn't plan to do this so I didn't test additional calculations, and I
> was using latest version to date for all products.
> On Internet I usually find that MKL should outperform ATLAS. I'm curious
> what would linalg module testing give, but as said I didn't test it. So
> in which modules should user expect impact of MKL over ATLAS? In matrix
> dot product obviously not.

What CPU are you on? MKL is tuned for Intel CPUs, perhaps ATLAS 
outperforms it on AMD ones.

Dag Sverre

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