[SciPy-User] 2D interpolation - filling voids

Davide Lasagn davide.lasagna at polito.it
Tue May 31 16:56:18 EDT 2011


I implemented an image inpainting algorithm in cython for replacing nans in a 
2d array, for a project of mine. You can grab the source code at:


The code shoul be robust enough fo your purpose , but please send some 
feedback if something goes wrong.


Davide Lasagna

On Tuesday, May 31, 2011 07:58:46 PM Shawn Gong wrote:
> Hi list,
> I have an IDL program that does boxcar filtering in order to fill
> (irregular shape) a 2D hole (NaN). The boxcar filtering is run multiple
> times until all the NaN are filled. It takes very long.
> Does scipy have ready-to-use signal processing functions? Examples are
> greatly appreciated.
> thanks,
> Shawn
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