[SciPy-User] using fmin_tnc

Jason Rennie jrennie at gmail.com
Wed May 11 23:03:58 EDT 2011

On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:24 PM, Joon Ro <joonpyro at gmail.com> wrote:

> So the documentation does say x0 is a list of floats. I haven't tried it
> but it should work with a one dimensional vector as well.  I'm not sure if
> the routine passes x as a list or not to the objective function though.

I have tried it, and, yes, it accepts a numpy array.  As Joon noted, you
need to flatten your parameters into an array.  Consider creating functions
for converting between the two formats (two matrices, single vector).  I
typically use a class instance to keep track of the specifications for the
conversion, such as the sizes of the two matrices.  l_bfgs_b has a similar
interface and has very smart convergence criterion AFAICT, so if you have
trouble with tnc, try l_bfgs_b (even if your problem is unconstrained).



Jason Rennie
Research Scientist
Google/ITA Software
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